2022-2023 Sponsorship

The Milky Way Bar + Bites Crawl

Quarterly Neighborhood Crawl featuring Milk District Businesses

Audience: Orlando young professionals who enjoy the vibe of the District and want to experience everything the neighborhood has to offer


  • Option of being pick-up point for wristband

  • Logo and “presented by” positioning on posters and online advertisements

  • 10% of cash sponsorship to branded Instagram ads featuring your business as sponsor of the event.

  • Event Co-Host on Facebook

  • Dedicated Instagram Post

  • Opportunity to include give-away for Crawl Participants

2023 Event Dates

First Quarter | March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day
Second Quarter | May 25 - Bike, Bar and Bites Crawl
Third Quarter | August 25 - Saved By The Bell ‘90s Back To School Crawl
Fourth Quarter | December 15 - Ugly Sweater / Deck the Milk Crawl

Sponsor Neighborhood Crawl

Milk District Promotions

Promotions drive sales to Milk District businesses year-round.

JAN 21-28, 2023 - The Milk District does Orlando Beer Week - Promoting Orlando-Brewed beer throughout the District

JAN 1-31, 2023 The Almond Milk District - Highlights Plant-based menu options throughout the District

May 1-31, 2023 National Bike Week - Highlights Bike Friendly Businesses operating in the District

AUG 2023 The Best Sandwiches in the Universe | Sandwich Month promotion highlighting what the District does best!

Nov/Dec, 2023 - Milk District Window Decorating Contest - supporting holiday window decorating and public voting to drive holiday visitation to independent businesses

Each of these events has the following sponsorship levels available.

$1,500 | Presenting Sponsor | Logo and “presented by” positioning on all promotions including digital, print, and radio advertisements and any physical pieces (i.e. punch card promotion) created for the event.

$1,000 | Business Grant | Will be awarded directly to a Milk District business based off of social media voting. Your brand is promoted as part of all voting and communications around the grant.

$500 | Community Champion | Logo inclusion dedicated social media post

$250 | Local Love | Logo inclusion dedicated social media post

Sponsor Business Promotions

Krampusfest 2023

Santa Claus ain’t the only one coming to town. And his dark half will do worse than put coal in your stocking if you haven’t been good this Christmas.

With the tradition of St. Nick comes Krampus, a horned half-goat, half-demon who, instead of giving gifts, punishes children during the Christmas season. This Alpine tradition has a home in The Milk District - a spirited party where you can celebrate the holiday season and shop for those on your list who enjoy the darker things in life.

Audience: Central Florida regional event - all ages.

December 3, 2023

Presenting sponsor | $5,000

  • Logo and “presented by” positioning on posters and online advertisements

  • Logo and “presented by” positioning on print ads in Orlando Weekly

  • Logo on stage banner(s)

  • 10 VIP Tickets ($750 value - each with an event shirt, beer stein, and 1 beer ticket)

  • “Presented by” positioning in digital ads on Bungalower, Pulptown

  • 10x10 space for Sponsor Tent

  • Event Co-Host on Facebook

  • Dedicated Instagram Post

  • Listed as sponsor with logo on Event Sites

Krampuslauf Sponsor | $1,500

  • Logo on posters and online advertisements

  • 4 VIP Tickets ($300 value - each with an event shirt, beer stein, and 1 beer ticket)

  • Logo on stage banner(s)

  • 10x10 space for Sponsor Tent

  • Logo on contest signage

  • Event Co-Host on Facebook

  • Dedicated Instagram Post

  • Listed as sponsor with logo on Event Sites

VENDOR ZONE | $1,500

  • Logo on posters and online advertisements

  • 4 VIP Tickets ($300 value - each with an event shirt, beer stein, and 1 beer ticket)

  • Logo on Vendor Zone signage

  • 10x10 space for Sponsor Tent

  • Logo on stage banner(s)

  • Event Co-Host on Facebook

  • Dedicated Instagram Post

  • Listed as sponsor with logo on Event Sites

Krampus HornSponsor | $1,000

  • Logo on posters and online advertisements

  • Logo next to The Milk District logo on 500 Krampus horn headbands

  • 2 VIP Tickets ($150 value - each with an event shirt, beer stein, and 1 beer ticket)

  • 10x10 space for Sponsor Tent

  • Logo on stage banner(s)

  • Event Co-Host on Facebook

  • Dedicated Instagram Post

  • Listed as sponsor with logo on Event Sites

Letters to Krampus Sponsor | $1,000

  • Logo on posters and online advertisements

  • Logo on the Letters to Krampus mailbox

  • 2 VIP Tickets ($150 value each with an event shirt, beer stein, and 1 beer ticket)

  • 10x10 space for Sponsor Tent

  • Logo on stage banner(s)

  • Event Co-Host on Facebook

  • Dedicated Instagram Post

  • Listed as sponsor with logo on Event Sites

Photos with Krampus Sponsor | $1,000

  • Logo on posters and online advertisements

  • Logo on professional outdoor studio

  • 2 VIP Tickets ($150 value each with an event shirt, beer stein, and 1 beer ticket)

  • 10x10 space for Sponsor Tent

  • Logo on stage banner(s)

  • Logo on print ads in Orlando Weekly

  • Event Co-Host on Facebook

  • Dedicated Instagram Post

  • Listed as sponsor with logo on Event Sites

Krampus Sponsor | $500

  • Logo on stage banner(s)

  • 2 VIP Tickets ($150 value each with an event shirt, beer stein, and 1 beer ticket)

  • 10x10 space for Sponsor Tent

  • Dedicated Instagram Post

  • Listed as sponsor with logo on Event Sites

Krampus’s helper Sponsor | $250

  • Logo on stage banner(s)

  • Listed as sponsor with logo on Event Sites

  • Must have a brick and mortar location in the District.


STAGE sponsor | Commissioner Patty Sheehan

State of the milk

July, 2023

The MIlk District Annual Meeting updates the community on the work of the District, opportunities for involvement, and celebrates independent businesses and community members for their accomplishments.

$1,500 | Presenting Sponsor | Logo and “presented by” positioning on all promotions, 3 minute remarks at the meeting. 10% of cash sponsorship to branded social media promotion of the event.

$1,000 | Awards Sponsor | Logo and “presented by” positioning on all promotions and opportunity to introduce award winners. 10% of cash sponsorship to branded social media promotion of the event.

$500 | Community Champion | Logo inclusion dedicated social media post

$250 | Local Love | Logo inclusion dedicated social media post

Sponsor State of the Milk

Mural Fund

The Milk District is starting a fund to help offset business and property-owners costs to bring new street art and murals to the district. Business owners will be able to apply for reimbursement of up to 50% of the cost of the murals that are installed according to the City of Orlando’s mural process.

Give to the Mural Fund


Let people in the neighborhood know you support The Milk District. Get your logo on a bib hanging below The Milk District’s light pole banners. Banner logo subject to approval. Location requests not available.

$250 per banner. Max 3 Banners. (Milk District Logo Banners - one year other than holiday banner season.)

$200 per banner. Max 3 Banners (Holiday Banners from Mid-November until Early January)

Pole Banner Sponsor

Veterans Banner Project

The Milk District is proud to offer you the opportunity to honor a veteran or someone currently active in the military while at the same time celebrating the District's history as part of Orlando Army Air Base, Orlando Air Force Base, and Naval Training Center Orlando.

We will be adding light pole banners to The Milk District each November in observance. Veterans showcased on the banners will be selected by lottery from community submissions, each with an associated sponsorship that covers printing and annual installation.

The Milk District will be looking for a project sponsor at $15,000 for initial costs, including bracket purchase and installation. Please contact Zac Alfson at director@themilkdistrict.org if you’re interested.

Cheese Chase Art Installation

This project would install five small brass sculptures depicting mice from artist Steve Worthington in outdoor locations within The Milk District and develop marketing and promotional materials for a scavenger hunt.

The purpose of the project is to add an activity for Milk District visitors, particularly families with children, draw new visitors, and honor a longstanding industrial use in the area.

Much public art tends to be monumental in scale, but these small sculptures help remind people of the joy of little things in life and provide an installation opportunity in a densely used area with little public right of way or private land for a large piece of art. The project contributes to ongoing placemaking efforts and work to improve the pedestrian experience.

Big Cheese Sponsor - $1500 supporter with your business name/logo listed on the overall Cheese Chase website and any promotional materials.

Individual Mouse Sponsor - $280 Choose from the mice below to sponsor the individual installation. Your business name will be listed on the stop’s specific location, and we will work to place that mouse either at your location or as close as possible.

Cheese Chase Mouse Sponsorship

This is a SPONSORSHIP to install this mouse in The Milk District, not direct purchase fo the mouse. Your business name will be included next to this mouse on the Cheese Chase online map, and we will work to install at or near your business.

Sponsored Social Media Post

The Milk District has a broad reach of Central Florida residents and visitors who trust us to deliver completing content about our District and our Community. We sponsored posts on our social media platforms in a narrow set of circumstances.

  • The business must be a very small business (100 employees or fewer) or nonprofit organziation.

  • The content must relate or have a tie-in to The Milk District Main Street.

  • The sponsor must provide, or work with The Milk District to create compelling photo or video content at added cost.

  • The Content and Sponsor’s business must align with the District’s Mission, Vision, and Cultural Equity Statement.

  • The Milk District does not promote candidates for office, but may consider informational posts about ballot initiatives.

  • The Milk District reserves the right to deny or remove any content it deems unacceptable.

    Packages start at $750 which includes one post across Facebook (20,000+ followers) and Instagram (41,000+ followers) accounts.

Please contact Angie Folks if you’re interested.